We exist to lovingly proclaim Jesus to everyone and to teach believers to love, obey and serve Him. (Matt. 28:19-20; Col. 1:28)


our vision

We will further our mission by learning to love God and to grow in love for God, love for other believers, and love for the lost world.

The gospel is not the starting mark for the Christian to begin the race, it is the track upon which the Christian races.”

We aim to cultivate qualities in every Christian that genuinely show love for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We will do this by having awesome reverence for the Godhead, practicing cheerful obedience with genuine joy. We will also strive to love God by loving the Gospel, loving His Word, and loving His saved and unsaved people.

We aim to cultivate qualities in our corporate worship in the same ways as above. We will also promote good biblical public prayer in loving God. In loving the gospel we will seek to display a strong gospel-centeredness in all the elements of our worship. The gospel is not the starting mark for the Christian to begin the race, it is the track upon which the Christian races. We will also uphold expository preaching, teaching Scripture in a systematic way. Special attention will be paid to our music to reflect the deep truths of who God is and what His Word teaches us. We will be deliberate in loving our children and investing in the childrens’ ministry. As much as God has gifted us, we will invest in partnerships to serve the wider church in Zimbabwe. We will be mindful of the unsaved world, praying faithfully for the nations as well as those in authority.

We will aim to prioritize church planting endeavors as well as leadership training. This we will do by deliberately adopting a church planting programme with the goal, God willing, of planting at least one new church every four years. We will also seek to develop, support and train church leaders in the wider church through theological education, pastoral mentorship, various conferences/seminars, discipleship, and good biblical literature and music.